Tuition & Financial Support

JABSOM Tuition & Fees

All tuition and fee charges are set by the University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents and are subject to change in accordance with requirements of State Law and/or the Board or Administration.  Click here for information about UH tuition and fees.

Current and approved tuition and fees are as follows:

Tuition 2023 - 2024 2024 - 2025 2025 - 2026 2026 - 2027
Resident (per year) $36,372 $36,372 $36,372 $36,372
Non-Resident (per year) $71,328 $71,328 $71,328 $71,328
*Student Fees $772 $772 $772 $772

*Student fees are subject to change

Please visit the UH Mānoa Hawaiʻi Residency Requirements page for more information on establishing residency in the State of Hawaiʻi for tuition purposes.

Financial Support